Tips to Prepare for Double Century

The Double Century is a true test of endurance and skill.  Pedalling in excess of 200km in the space of 10 hours is a demanding task, even for pro cyclists.

Most individuals who exercise regularly can finish a 100km ride quite easily, but a 202km ride is a different story, both physically and mentally.

Here are some tips to follow in the lead up to this challenging event:

Do Not Over-Train

For both physical conditioning and mental preparation, you need to have put in the distances ahead of time, but don’t train excessively before the event as over-training can be counter-productive.

He emphasises the importance of “a good night’s sleep” on the eve of the event and then “a full, low GI breakfast two to three hours before the start” to be followed by a 750ml sports drink in the last hour.

Cross Train

Not all training has to happen on the bike and some cross training is good – particularly as this builds stamina and general cardiovascular fitness. So head to the gym for some weight training, or hit the road for a run.

Stick To A Routine

Familiarise yourself with a routine of exercise, rest and feeding – and stick to it. Don’t be tempted to try out new training methods or new foodstuffs just before race day – you won’t know how your body will react to it and you could end up in trouble. Stick to what you know and what’s worked for you in the past.

Keep Healthy

Keep yourself healthy and virus-free. If you are unwell before the race, check with your doctor if you can safely ride and trust that decision. If you are unable to control your heart rate rise, it is unlikely that you will be able to finish the race and trying to do so could result in a metabolic or heat-related injury.

Keep an eye on the website for more training and essential race day tips in the lead up to the race.

Follow our social media platforms via Facebook, Twitter ) and Instagram  for updates.

The Coronation Double Century is a Pedal Power Association event organised by the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust on their behalf. For event-related queries, please contact the Events Office on 087 820 7223 during office hours.